705-890-8866 [email protected]

We are excited to host our U3-12 ages on Aug 26 & 27 at our FISHER FEST year end event for Outdoor 2023.  We can’t believe the season is almost coming to a close!  

This year is a special year end event, as we’ve named it after our Past President and long time volunteer, Gord Fisher, who passed away earlier this summer.  We want to continue this event yearly in his name and memory, as he was such a huge part if making SSU what it is today.

Each age group would come for just ONE of the days, either the Saturday or Sunday. The schedules for each day is below. Each players/coach will be given a ticket for a free lunch (drink & pizza slice). The printed individual/team photo combo will be handed out to all players at this event. Siblings are welcome to join in the fun, but cannot play in the soccer games! We will have a CASH ONLY concession for drinks/food for purchase. The Ice Cream truck will also be in attendance. Players/Coaches will have games this weekend based on the schedule below. Trophies will also be handed out this weekend.



We can’t wait to celebrate the season with you all!  

*If you are not able to make it, we’d ask that you ask someone on your team to pick up your photos/trophies, alternatively we will organize another pick up time after this weekend is completed. https://southsimcoeunited.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Poster.jpg